M.Sc. in Renewable Energy Engineering

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The Master of Science in Renewable Energy Engineering program offers advanced training in the area of renewable energy systems. This program is designed to provide engineers specific training in advanced areas of renewable energy technology. The emphasis is on the design, analysis and implementation of energy systems, with particular emphasis on renewable energy systems. Furthermore, the program is designed to provide engineers with training in advanced areas of renewable energy technology. The sustainable development of the renewable energy sector in most countries has been rapidly increasing over the past decade. A need has emerged for qualified engineers to deal with the project in all fields related to renewable energy applications.

General characteristics of the new or developed program:
This master’s program focuses on three aspects in particular: technological innovations, management of sustainable energy systems, and economic as well as legal frameworks.

  • Technological Innovations: Participants acquire a basic technical knowledge in the area of alternative energy production. The fast-changing nature and development of this sector are specifically considered. Focal points are solar energy, wind power, biomass, biogas, small hydropower stations, photovoltaics, biofuel, and geothermal technology as well as issues, such as energy saving and energy efficiency.
  • Management of Sustainable Energy Systems: Convey skills, such as project development, project financing, project operation, and knowledge of business management. Furthermore, participants obtain a detailed market overview on selected countries leading in renewable and clean energy.
  • General Economic and Legal Framework: Participants obtain knowledge on the general economic and legal frameworks of national directives and legal provisions of selected international countries.

Elective Courses:
Elective Courses: One course (4 credit hours)

REE 606 Special Topics in Renewable Energy Engineering:
Solar Thermal Energy
Energy Storage Systems
Energy Economics, Policies, and Regulations
Energy Conservation Techniques
Other Forms of Renewable Energy Systems
Installation of Renewable Energy Systems
Rules and Field Practices

College of Engineering Booklet

PDF, 21.7 MB , 52 Pages


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PEO1: Engage in productive contributions in developing novel solutions for the regional and global renewable energy and clean systems problems, through carrying out fundamental and applied knowledge/research using appropriate design methods and analysis tools.

PEO2: Advance in responsibility, leadership, and principal roles in the development of academic and industrial organizations in the field of renewable engineering, locally and within the region.

PEO3: Engage in ongoing professional development activities by pursuing PhD and/or other advanced postgraduate studies.


  1. Demonstrate critical knowledge using specialist theories and concepts of Renewable Energy Engineering with energy systems, energy generation, storage, utilization, and its major current issues.
  2. Apply critical knowledge of mathematics, chemistry, physics, computing, safety, and engineering to research complex and unpredictable sophisticated problems, including analysis, design, optimization, and control of components, systems, and processes in Renewable Energy Engineering.
  3. Critically analyze and evaluate current issues and/or principles in Renewable Energy Engineering using a combination of approaches and professional levels of insight and interpretation.
  4. Apply specialized research methodologies, design, analysis and/or experimental investigation of the engineering problems to evaluate and provide solutions within renewable energy systems.
  5. Demonstrate proficiency in writing and oral presentation skills to effectively communicate renewable energy system ideas and techniques to a range of specialists.
  6. Develop innovative technical solutions to address issues related to renewable energy systems.