The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Bahrain is a 4-year program and offers 130 credits to complete with 98 credit hours Major Requirements, 11 credit hours University Requirements, 9 credit hours College Requirements, 6 credit hours Major Electives, 6 credit hours General Studies Electives and 1 credit hour Training. The program introduces the basics and fundamentals of design and graphics in the first year. Afterwards, it offers a set of core courses in Landscape Architectural Design supported by a series of other courses to provide the necessary knowledge, skills, values and attitudes with emphasis on culture, history, geography and environment unique to the region and Bahrain. The program exposes the students to the knowledge of plants, materials and technologies, theories and philosophies, history, services, computer technologies and sustainable practices and relevant skills. Subsequently, it engages them in research to generate a design program to produce a project report. Based upon this project proposal and experience gained in the 3 years of design learning, the students produce a final design project to demonstrate their abilities to conceptualize, articulate, and detail a landscape setting of relevance to Bahrain that can be practically implemented.
Download Detailed Study Plan   (PDF، 0.6 MB، 11 Pages).
1. To inculcate in the students, appropriate values and attitudes related to the built-environments that respect history, culture, diversity, people’s needs and needs of the eco-system to enable them to become leaders in design and management of outdoor spaces.
2. To provide the students with an understanding of the historical perspectives of the evolution of the outdoor built-environment, and the theories, philosophies and ideas as well as social and societal processes that have led to those evolutions so that they can devise appropriate means of landscape interventions to address issues emanating from Man’s occupation of earth.
3. To provide the students the opportunities to acquire understanding and skills to think critically, analyze, conceptualize and synthesize ideas to respond to social, environmental and geographical needs and problems emanating from a site and develop appropriate landscape architecture design and management.
4. To provide the students with an understanding and skills related to the articulated formations of lands and design of spaces, places and practical skills of growing plants and construction of structures, in such a way that they produce exciting innovative and coherent settings that are stable, humane, alive and sustainable.
5. To provide the students with an understanding of natural and cultural systems and processes related to design, planning, and management of plants and ecosystem sciences in order to produce built environments and infrastructure that relate to human factors and social and community systems to facilitate human health and wellbeing.
6. To equip the students with academic skills in scientific research and communication with distinct competencies in self-development through exploration, in order to pursue higher studies and compete for employment opportunities and thereby contribute to the economy at the local and regional levels.
a) Specialized knowledge of local plant species and their biology.
b) Knowledge of complex geographical and geological conditions and their relevance to sustainable plant growth and environment.
c) Knowledge of historical traditions of outdoors, precedents in different cultural contexts.
d) Knowledge of social, cultural and behavioral aspects of people and communities and their relevance to Landscapes.
e) Knowledge of theoretical and philosophical ideas related to built-environments and Landscapes.
f) Knowledge of digital technologies for the conceptualization, realization and communication of design.
g) Critical thinking skills in understanding complex theories philosophies and issues and Design thinking skills in conceptualizing design solutions.
h) Investigative skills in discovering social, cultural, physical and developmental issues of a community.
i) Communication skills in using graphical visual and verbal media.
j) Knowledge of technologies and technical documentation skills: Abilities in their interpretations and implementation.
k) Knowledge and understanding of practicing landscape architecture professionally with skills in management.
The graduate from Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program is known as Landscape Architect and can work in projects relevant to planning, designing and managing outdoor spaces in government and private development projects, residential projects, schools, tourism and entertainment projects and infrastructure projects. The students graduating from this program will be able to provide professional landscape services to individual clients as well as help institutions to create meaningful landscapes.