Bachelor of

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The National Architecture Accrediting Board (NAAB) of USA has awarded the five-year Bachelors program in Architecture substantial equivalency status.

The 169 credit Bachelor of Architecture program begins with an introduction to Basic Design principles and graphics practices. These will enable the students to produce effective design communications. The program evolves from the first year to the fifth year around a core activity; Design. Design progresses from a simple small scale project to a large and complex project in the Final year with a Graduation Project. The students learn to design a variety of projects from a simple house to complex buildings like hospitals and hotels. They learn to understand social cultural, psychological as well as physical and environmental forces that influence the creation of spaces and structures.




University of Bahrain, program of Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Architecture has received the Substantial Equivalency designation from the National Architectural Accrediting Board. A substantial equivalency was granted in 2015 for a term of six years.

The term “International Certification” identifies a program as comparable in educational outcomes in all significant aspects to a program accredited by the NAAB in the United States and indicates that it provides an educational experience meeting acceptable standards, even though such program may differ in format or method of delivery. The designation is valid for six years beginning 1 January of the year in which the final visit (Visit 3) took place. In order to maintain the designation, the program must be visited again in the sixth year of the designation.

Schools with programs identified as holding NAAB International Certification (previously Substantial Equivalency) are not formally “accredited” as that term is used with reference to programs in the United States and may not refer to their programs as “accredited” by the NAAB. However, students who graduate from internationally certified programs are able to apply for individualized review of their credentials on an expedited basis for purposes of the Educational Evaluation Services for Architects program administered by the NAAB on behalf of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.

The following documents are available in the (library or other public area) and also may be downloaded from the University of Bahrain website:



  1. To provide educational opportunities to students to understand the complex nature of architecture as a socially conscious design activity.
  2. To develop an effective environment for teaching, learning and research.
  3. To facilitate engagement in research and scholarly activities.
  4. To contribute to interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary teaching and research programs.
  5. To serve the community by working with government agencies, private sector, and professional organizations.
  6. To maintain and continue to enrich the program itself by advancing the quality of education in architecture.


a) Being broadly educated in Architecture & design.

b) An attitude to value lifelong inquisitiveness

c) Abilities to communicate visually and graphically in a range of media.

d) To trust the assessment of evidence

e) An ability to comprehend people, place, and context

f) The ability to recognize the disparate needs of client, community, and society.


Dr. Nasser Alnasser