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Dr. Ayman AL-Khazraji

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Dr. Ayman AL-KHAZRAJI (BSc Eng 1998/ MSc Eng 2000) has obtained his PhD degree in Computer & Electrical Engineering from Reims University, France in 2008. He taught for years in Reims University (France) then Caledonian College of Engineering (Oman). He has served as a consultant with General Electric Energy, Alstom Power Systems and Valeo Automotive. In 2014, he received the IFAC Paper Prize of the Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Elsevier). Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, University of Bahrain. His research interests include, but not limited to, the following topics: Big Data, Smart Cities, AI, Robotics, Control Systems, Engineering Education, Monitoring & Fault Detection, and Optimization.
