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Prof. Eslam Hamdi El-Ghonaimy


Architecture and Interior Design - Architecture Program

Dr Islam is an architect, with PhD in Urban Design, Msc in Environmental Studies and a B.Sc in Architecture. He has more than 25 papers in Journals, Conferences and Symposiums, which are focused on Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design. Mainly, the interrelationship between people and their open spaces within their intimate urban environments. He is an Architect and Urban Designer registered at the Syndicate of Egyptian Engineers, and Saudi Council of Engineering. He has contributed as an academic referee for architecture and Landscape Architecture academic program and scientific conferences committees in different countries. Also, He has done consultation services for Supreme commission of Tourists in Saudi Arabia for Heritage and Tourism projects. Moreover, he has provided consultation services for some environmental and Urban planning projects for Arab Urban Developing Institute (AUDI) and “TEAM” for City Urban Developing and UN-WIDER. He teaches Working drawings, Graduation projects, Landscape Architecture and Planting and courtyards for interior Design
