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Dr. Maamar Taleb

Associate Professor

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Dr. Taleb received the B.Sc. degree in Electrotechnics from University of Sciences and Technonology of Wahran, Algeria in 1983, the M.Sc. in Electric Power Engineering from Renssealaer Polytechnic – New York, USA in 1986, and the Phd degree in Electrical Engineering from Clarkson University – New York, USA in 1990. Dr. Taleb had held a research associate position in Electrical Engineering at Clarkson University in the period of 1990-1992. In 1992, Dr. Taleb joined University of Bahrain. He is currently an associate professor in electrical engineering at University of Bahrain. Dr. Taleb research interests are: Renewable Energy Applications, Power Quality issues, Power System Modeling, Power System Dynamics and Stability, Dr. Taleb published about 50 publications in the previous research field and published in well reputed Journals Transactions, Journals, and International Conferences.
