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Dr. Mohamed Bin Shams

Associate Professor

Chemical Engineering

Educational Qualifications

  • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (Process Control/Applied statistics), University of Waterloo, Canada (2010)
  • M.Sc., in Instrumentation, The University of Manchester, UK (2005)
  • B.Sc., in Chemical Engineering, University of Bahrain (2003)
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PCAP), University of York St. John, UK (2012)
Courses Taught (undergraduate)
  • CHENG 315  Computer Applications in Chemical Engineering
  • CHENG 415  Process Control
  • PICENG 332  Process Control I
  • PICENG 434  Process Control II
  • PICENG 451  Process Optimization
  • CHENG 462-1  Special topics:  Strategies for process improvement and product development
  • CHENG 462-2  Process Optimization
  • CHENG 462-3 Computational Intelligence methods for Process Engineers
Courses Taught (Graduate: M.Sc., Ph.D.)
  • CHENG 519 Mathematical Methods for Chemical Engineers
  • CHENG 525 Process Optimization
  • CHENG 537 Special Topics:  Computer-aided dynamic simulation of Chemical Processes
  • ENGG 792 Applied statistical techniques (College of Engineering)
  • ENGG 703 Optimization Techniques (College of Engineering)
  • ARCH 721 Applied Statistical Techniques (College of Engineering)
  • BUS 792 Advanced Business Analytics (College of Business Administration)
  • ESD 792 Advanced Business Analytics (College of Science)
Research The goal of Dr. Bin Shams research is to develop theory and applications for process systems engineering. The applications are focused on planning and scheduling of process operations, energy production, energy efficiency, Advanced Process Control  (APC), and computer-aided dynamic simulation of chemical processes. In addition, his research involve the use of computational intelligence methods, such as machine learning, to tackle complex process engineering problems. This could include developing intelligent algorithms for process control and optimization, as well as using data-driven approaches to analyse and predict process behaviour. Dr. Bin Shams supervised/supervising 15 graduate students (of which 11 MScs & 4 PhDs) Awards & Honors
  • 2006  Academic excellence, during the annual education day under the patronage of his H. the prime minster of Kingdom of Bahrain (M.Sc. with Distinction), Kingdom of Bahrain, 2006
  • Best instructor award for academic year, 2006-2007 , University of Bahrain
Selected Publications
  1. Detection, Identification and Diagnosis using CUSUM based PCA, Bin Shams, M., Budman, H., Duever, T., Chemical Engineering Science (2011) doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2011.05.028
  2. Enhancing fault observability using feedback control, Bin Shams, M., Budman, H., Duever, T., Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research (2011) doi.org/10.1021/ie101238q
  3. Finding a trade-off between observability and economics in the fault detection of chemical processes, Bin Shams, M., Budman, H., Duever, T., Computer and Chemical Engineering (2011) doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2010.04.006
  4. Time series analysis of Bahrain’s first hybrid renewable energy system, Bin Shams, M., Haji, S., Salman, A., Abdali, H., Alsaffar, A., Energy (2016) doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2016.02.136
  5. Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling System for Enhancing Propane recovery in a gas plant: Theoretical and Cost analyses, Bin Shams, M., Elkanzi, E., Ramadhan, Z., Rahma, S., Khamis, M., Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering (2017) doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2017.03.031
  6. NARX (Nonlinear Autoregressive with eXogenous input) modelling for fouling prediction in industrial dead-end Ultrafiltration Process, Bin Shams, M., Desalination and Water Treatment, (2017) doi.org/10.5004/dwt.2017.20768
  7. Energy Analysis of Bahrain's First Hybrid Renewable Energy System, Haji, S., Bin Shams, M., Akbar, A., Abdali, H., Alsaffar, A. International Journal of Green Energy (2019) doi.org/10.1080/15435075.2019.1619567
  8. Dynamic CFD modelling of an industrial-scale dead-end ultrafiltration system: Full cycle and complete blockage, Al-Abbasi, O., Bin Shams, M., Journal of Water Process Engineering (2021) doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101887
  9. Application of pinch analysis to improve the heat integration efficiency in a Crude Distillation Unit, Mrayed, S., Bin Shams, M., Al-Khayyat, M., Alnoaimi, N., Cleaner Engineering and Technology (2021) doi.org/10.1016/j.clet.2021.100168
  10. The Role of Crude Oil Selection in Optimizing the Economics of a Local Refinery with Lube Hydro-processing Capacity, Al-Sayoof, L., Bin Shams, M., Chemical Engineering Research and Design, (2022) doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2022.07.002
  Phone: 17876622 - Office:  31-208
