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Dr. Nour Eddine Mansour

Associate Professor

Chemical Engineering

 Educational Qualifications

  • PhD, Automatic Control & System Engineering, University of Sheffield, UK, 1988
  • B.Sc. (Honors), Electrical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Oran, Algeria, 1983.
  • Baccalaureat in Mathematics – Lycee  Es-Salam Chlef, Algeria, 1978
Courses Taught
  • Process Measurement
  • Process control I & II
  • Model Predictive Control and Adaptive Control
  • Digital Process Control
  • Microprocessor and Computer Architecture
  • Signal processing
  • Numerical Analysis for Engineers
  • Computer application for process instrumentation and control engineers
  • Virtual Instrumentation (LabVIEW)
  • Process Instrumentation Lab I
  • Electric Machines (AC/DC)
  • Power electronic and Drives
Dr. Nour-Eddine Mansour main areas of research interest are Modelling, Control and Automation of Engineering and Biomedical Systems, other areas are Control Design for Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy Systems and Electrical Drives. Dr. N-E Mansour published many papers on the aforementioned research topics. He co-authored chapter in book in area of adaptive Systems in control and signal processing. He supervised and co-supervised number of undergraduate and graduate projects on the aforementioned research topics.  Dr. N-E Mansour is very active member of department academic committee (AC) and coordinator of accreditation (DAC) committee. He contributed in the development and updating of the process instrumentation and control engineering B.Sc. program (PICENG). As DAC coordinator, he wrote and compiled the 2014 ABET SSR and the 2016 QAA SER reports for the B.Sc. PICENG program. Dr. N-E Mansour delivered short courses and workshop on Process Measurements, Industrial Plant Automation, Sensors and Digital Measurement System and Virtual Instrumentation. .
Awards & Honors
  • Sc. High honour, University of Science and Technology of Oran, Algeria, 1983.
  • 1st and 3rd Prices of UOB’s Smart Cities Research Hackathon, 2017
Selected Publications
  1. Abdelhadi Namoune, Rachid Taleb, Noureddine Mansour, Design and modeling of solenoid inductor integrated with FeNiCo in high frequency, TELKOMNIKA Journal, Vol 18 No. 4, August, 2020
  2. M. Zakir Hossain, Noureddine Mansour, Biosensor for Online Water Quality Monitoring: A Review, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Taylor & Francis Group, Vol 26, Issue 1, November 2019
  3. Maamar Taleb, Noureddine Mansour, Khaled Zehar, An improved grid tied photovoltaic system based on current conditioning, Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, (JESTECH) Elsevier, Vol. 21, pages 1113-1119,  December 2018.
  4. Abdelhadi NAMOUNE, Rachid TALEB, Noureddine MANSOUR, Abdelkader BELBOULA, Design and modeling of integrated octagonal shape inductor with substrate silicon in a buck converter, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI), Volume 7, No. 3, Pages 527-534, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), September 2019.
  5. Anoop K. Kandathi, Noureddine Mansour, Sreejith Streedharan, Maamar Taleb, Solar Powered Battery-Less Portable RO Desalination Unit: Simulation Studies, IEEE Xplore, Digital Library, 24 October 2019
  6. M.M. Al-Khalidy, N.E. Mansour, J.B. Hesham, Bahrain Intelligent Street Lighting- A Study to Retrofit Bahrain Street Lighting, IET, Digital Library, April 2018.
  7. Maamar Taleb, Noureddine Mansour, Khaled Zehar, An Improved Grid Tied Photovoltaic System, 2nd Smart Cities Symposium 20124-26 March, 2019
  8. N-E Mansour, M.B. Shams, H. Ebrahim, Design of a Real Time MPC Control for a Retrofitted Heat Exchanger Temperature Control Laboratory Experiment, Education for Chemical Engineers, Elsevier, under correction, 2018
  9. M. Zakir Hossain, Noureddine Mansour, and Nahid Sultana, Design of a Laboratory Experiment for the Performance Analysis of a Retrofitted Tray Dryer Unit, Education for Chemical Engineers, Vol 18, P 35-44 Elsevier, January, 2017
  10. Saidi Hemza, Midoun Abdelhamid and Noureddine Mansour, International Journal of applied Engineering Research, Electric Vehicle Speed Control using Three Phase Inverter operated by DSP, Vol 10 No. 16, 2015, pp 36779-36785
  11. Noureddine Mansour, Review on Digital Filter Design Techniques, International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 10, Oct. 2015, 235-241
  12. Saidi Hamza, Noureddine Mansour, Midoun Abdelhamid,, Three phase inverter using SVPWM method for Solar Electric Vehicle, IEEE Xplore, Digital Library, May 2015,
  13. Saidi Hamza, Rachid Taleb, N-E Mansour, Midoun Abdelhamid , Three Phase Inverter Using SVPWM Method for Solar Electric Vehicle, The six International Renewable Energy Congress IREC 2105, Beirut-Lebanon, March 24-25, 2015, Sousse, Tunisia
  14. Saidi Hamza, N-E Mansour, Midoun Abdelhamid, Electric Vehicle Speed Control Using Three Phase Inverter operated by DSP-based Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique, Advanced in Environmental and Agricultural Science, page 286-293, ISBN-978-1-61804-270-5.
  15. N-E Mansour, “Computer Control in Biomedicine”, Symposium Colloquium on Control and Automation Education, IET Bahrain Local Network Chapter, March 2014, Bahrain.
Phone: 17876335
