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Dr. Sabri Mrayed

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering

Educational Qualifications

  • PhD, School of Chemical Sciences and Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2002 – 2007.
  • Sc. in Environmental Engineering, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Sydney, Australia, 1998 – 2000.
  • Sc. in Chemical Engineering, University of Tripoli, Libya, 1994
Courses Taught
  • CHENG 111 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
  • CHENG 211 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamic I
  • CHENG 212 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamic II
  • CHENG 313 Separation Processes II
  • CHENG 423 Plant Design Project
Research Dr. Sabri’s research and publication and research interests are in the area of separation technologies including absorption and stripping, distillation, membrane separation. His recent research activities are focused on the heat integration and exergy analysis of major separation units. He was involved in several collaboration research work with major companies including GPIC, Bapco, and Banagas. Awards & Honors
  • 2013, Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program, USA
  • 2003, University Postgraduate Award (UPA), UNSW, Australia
  • 2004 Process Chemistry Medal, CHEMECA 2004 conference, RACI, Sydney, Australia.
Selected Publications
  1. A simple correlation for predicting gypsum deposition from brine solutions, Ezuber, Hosni; Mrayed, Sabri; Altobli, Maeda; South African Journal of Chemical Engineering, 43, 104-111, 2023, Elsevier
  2. Application of pinch analysis to improve the heat integration efficiency in a crude distillation unit, Mrayed, Sabri; Shams, Mohamed Bin; Al-Khayyat, Mohammed; Alnoaimi, Nasser; Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 4, 100168, 2021, Elsevier
  3. Using Edmodo online application as a supplement to enhance student level of performance and critical thinking in the learning process of Thermodynamic course Mrayed, Sabri M; 2020 Sixth International Conference on e-Learning (econf), 390-394, 2020, IEEE
  4. Separation of CO2 Using MFI-Alumina Nanocomposite Hollow Fiber Ion-Exchanged with Alkali Metal Cation, Alshebani, A; Swesi, Y; Mrayed, S; Altaher, F; Musbah, Ibrahim; International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, 8, 9, 942-950, 2014.
  5. Physicochemical Characterization of MFI–Ceramic Hollow Fibres Membranes for CO2 Separation with Alkali Metal Cation, Alshebani, A; Swesi, Y; Mrayed, S; Altaher, F; International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering, 8, 9, 1013-1020, 2014
  6. Efficiency of membrane distillation to produce fresh water, Mrayed, Sabri; Maccioni, David; Leslie, Greg; J. Chem. Mol. Nucl. Mater. Metall. Eng, 7, 12, 991-995, 2013
  7. An alternative membrane treatment process to produce low-salt and high-nutrient recycled water suitable for irrigation purposes, Mrayed, SM; Sanciolo, Peter; Zou, Linda; Leslie, Greg; Desalination, 274,3-Jan, 144-149, 2011, Elsevier
  8. Thermodynamic efficiencies and GHG emissions of alternative desalination processes, Kempton, R; Maccioni, D; Mrayed, SM; Leslie, G; Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 10, 3, 416-427, 2010, IWA Publishing
  9. Interfacial interactions in clay-based polymer nanocomposites: effect of surfactant, Zeng, Qing Hua; Mrayed, Sabri M; Yu, Ai Bing; Advanced Materials Research, 129, 607-611, 2010, Trans Tech Publications Ltd
  10. Interfacial interactions in clay-based nylon 6 nanocomposites: A density functional theory study, Mrayed, Sabri M; Zeng, QH; Yu, AB; Computational materials science, 46, 4, 942-949, 2009, Elsevier
  11. Examination of greenhouse footprint for both desalination and water recycling processes, Mrayed, S; Leslie, G; Ozwater09. Melbourne, Australia, 2009
  12. Molecular modeling applications in crystallization fouling and clay/polymer nanocomposites, Mrayed, Sabri Mohamed Ali; 2007, UNSW Sydney
  13. Membrane-Distillation Hybrid Process to Reduce the Energy Footprints in Abu-Attifel Gas Plant, Elabasi, Masoud; Mohammed, Salah; Mrayed, Sabri; Elazhari, Omar;
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