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Dr. Zahir Hanouf

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering

PHD in Mechanical Engineering, National University Malaysia (UKM). Zahir Hanouf obtained his Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from University Ferhat Abbass, Setif Algeria and Master of Engineering science in Mechanical Engineering from University of Malaya Malaysia. He has experience in teaching at International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) 5 years as Tutor and demonstrator and 19 years as Lecturer and Assistant Professor. He has also experience to work in Automotive Factory (PROTON) as research assistant for 3 years. He has Authored and co-Authored publications in international and regional refereed journals and conferences. He has acquired 2 grants as principal and 2 projects as co-principal. He has one Master and one PHD students as co-supervisors (on going). He was appointed as the coordinator for the final year project for 4 years at department level and involved in many other committees as well. His research focussed on noise, vibration and comfort (NVC) in Automotive.
