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السيدة مريم رياض الجيده

مساعد بحث وتدريس

العمارة والتصميم الداخلي

Mrs. Maryam Al-Jaidah has a Master’s degree in Interior Design from De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Business incubators was the Master project solving different design aspects such as service design, space planning, product design and sustainability. She has a Bachelor in Interior Design from University of Bahrain. She is working as a Research and Teaching Assistant at University of Bahrain. She is very good in design programs such as paint, Photoshop, AutoCAD and sketch up. She helps and serves the community through her major by participating and volunteering in charity work that has interior design amendments. Her area of interest is user comfort factors in interior spaces, especially the influence of colours on people’s behaviours inside interior spaces. She teaches Basic Design, Graphics, presentation techniques, colour in interiors textiles and Interior Design.
