B.Sc. in Interior Design

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The 135 credit B.Sc in Interior Design program begins with an introduction to Basic Design principles and graphic practices. These will enable the students to produce effective design communications. The interior design program evolves from the first year to the fourth year around a core activity; Design of interior spaces. Design progresses from a simple small-scale interior to a large and complex interior in the Final year with a Graduation Project. Through these, students learn about functional, social, cultural, and psychological forces that necessitates interior spaces upon which materials, texture, colors, and other space-enhancing artifacts are articulated to create charming interiors.





1. To provide educational opportunities to the students to grasp the complexity of interior architecture.

2. To promote the innovative and creative exploration of spatial and environmental opportunities availed by emerging developments.

3. To produce graduates who will excel in the art of design and progress in their careers and acquire leadership positions.


PILOs1. Standard4.  Global Context: Interior designers have a global view and consider social, cultural, economic, and ecological contexts in all aspects of their work.

PILOs 2. Standard5. Collaboration: Interior designers collaborate and also participate in interdisciplinary teams.

PILOs 3. Standard6. Business Practices and Professionalism: Interior designers understand the principles and processes that define the profession and the value of interior design to society.

PILOs 4. Standard7. Human-Centered Design: Interior designers apply knowledge of human experience and behavior to designing the built environment.

PILOs 5. Standard8. Design Process: Interior designers employ all aspects of the design process to creatively solve a design problem.

PILOs 6. Standard9. Communication: Interior designers are effective communicators.

PILOs 7. Standard10. History and Theory: Interior designers apply knowledge of history and theory of interiors, architecture, decorative arts, and art when solving design problems.

PILOs 8. Standard11. Design Elements and Principles: Interior designers apply elements and principles of design.

PILOs 9. Standard12. Light and Color: Interior designers apply the principles and theories of light and color effectively in relation to environmental impact and human wellbeing.

PILOs 10. Standard13. Products and Materials: Interior designers complete design solutions that integrate furnishings, products, materials, and finishes.

PILOs 11. Standard14. Environmental Systems and Comfort: Interior designers use the principles of acoustics, thermal comfort, and indoor air quality in relation to environmental impact and human wellbeing.

PILOs 12. Standard15. Construction: Interior designers understand interior construction and its interrelationship with base building construction and systems.

PILOs 13. Standard16. Regulations and Guidelines: Interior designers apply laws, codes, standards, and guidelines that impact human experience of interior spaces.


Dr. Hawra Al Shaikh
