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The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a well-established department in the College of Engineering, which has been part of the University of Bahrain since it was founded in 1986. The Department offers programs at both undergraduate and post graduate levels that are designed to serve the local market in Bahrain and in the region, offering courses that track the continuous technical developments in the Electrical Engineering field. The programs are designed so as to provide the students with a learning experience that has both sound theoretical and practical components. In addition, the programs encourage lifelong learning, foster ethical engineering practice and focus on developing soft skills essential for engineer in the current market.

Our mission is to graduate creative engineers who can progress in the various fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. We aim for excellence in teaching, effective participation in the production of knowledge through scientific research and strong links to the community.

The Department pays special attention to strengthening the student’s practical capabilities, a skill we believe is essential for any engineer. Therefore, the department boasts 11 excellently equipped that serve all the courses offered in the programs. Moreover, the department has an electronics components store to support student’s project work in various courses and the capstone design project in the B.Sc. programs.

Our academic team are highly qualified with diverse specializations that include: electric machines, renewable energy systems, power systems and reliability, power quality issues, power electronics, digital integrated circuits, signal processing, digital systems, computer engineering, communications, microwave engineering, satellite communications, neural networks, image processing, and intelligent control systems.


Our 137-credit Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering program is accredited by both National Authority for Qualification and Quality assurance of Education and training (NAQQAET) and is also accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, (https://www.abet.org) in the United States. The Electrical Engineering BSc program is designed to provide students with strong engineering science background that will enable them to deal with technical problems that might be faced during their professional Electrical engineering career. Each student carries out prior to his/her graduation a Senior Project. This study involves the design of a real-life Electrical Engineering Project which facilities their adaption to practice as they join the construction industry. During this period, they are also obliged to search and collect information related to their senior project topic. This would enable them to learn how to collect information related to a topic that they do not have any prior knowledge of.


The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering has (eighteen) qualified faculty members. There are (three) professors, (three) associate professors, and (ten) assistant professors, and (two) master’s holders. The MSc holders do handle the lecture classes for the courses. The department academic members are engaged with academic teaching, and supervision of senior graduation projects, in addition to the supervision of postgraduate thesis. The department faculty are well qualified academic members with scientific contributions in terms of publications and other research projects involvements. In addition to the faculty academic regular teaching loads, the faculty do conduct research that is at a regional, and global level, and participate in the administrative duties as well as community services. The faculty are involved in many students’ extracurricular activities such as supervising hackathons and competitions, as well as mentoring the students. Senior faculty teach specialized courses at a Master’s and PhD level for college’s own postgraduate courses and in specific engineering-based advanced courses for other colleges. All professorial ranked faculty supervise senior (capstone) projects in the undergraduate program, and several supervise MSc and PhD students.” In addition to the academic duties, the department faculty do engage from time to time with administration committee duties related to the department duties and works.

Prof. Ebrahim Abdulla Mattar

Prof. Khaled Zehar

Prof. Mohab A. Mangoud

Dr. Maamar Taleb
Associate Professor

Dr. Mohamed Reda Qader
Associate Professor

Dr. Sayed Ali Al-Mosawi
Associate Professor

Dr. Zouhir Khalifa Bahri
Associate Professor

Dr. Abdulla Ahmed Rabeea
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ayman AL-Khazraji
Assistant Professor

Dr. Ebrahim A.Rahman Abdulla
Assistant Professor

Dr. Fadhel Abbas Albasri
Assistant Professor

Dr. Mohamed Amine Fnaiech
Assistant Professor

Dr. Mohammed Majid Al Khalidy
Assistant Professor

Dr. Raja Mohamed Shamudeen
Assistant Professor

Dr. Salwa Baserrah
Assistant Professor

Mr. Abdulla Mehdi Mohammed Ebrahim

Mr. Fuad AbdulRahman Al-Mannai

Mrs. Lamya Eid